Wednesday, August 5, 2009

July 14, 2009 - Tuesday

July 14, 2009 - Tuesday

Current mood: amused
Category: Music
So after we left Monte Rio we watched the moon set by the beach and I realized that I left my phone in Monte Rio. So we headed back on the 101, which was way quicker than taking the 1 all the way back, thank goodness. We stayed there over night and left for the Avenue of the Giants (with the huge redwood trees). We parked Truck and started to reorganize so we would have more room for Maddy to use her litter box, we thought that we could just stay there off the side of the road for the night, so we drank a few brewskies. Right when we were about to go to sleep a park ranger pulls up and tells us that we had to move and couldn't stay in this area at all, we'd have to go to a campground and pay them so we could sleep. I told him that it was crazy that we should have to pay for camping and we had also been drinking. He said he didn't care and that we'd have to be gone by the time he got back. So luckily we were only about five miles to the nearest town, which happened to be Meyers Point or something (sorry, can't remember or find the name anywhere right now). So we parked in front of the first building that we saw that had people still in it (of course it was a bar). The owner of the bar ended up helping us out so much and fed us dinner and everything. Shout out to Bill!!!! We stayed in the town a couple of nights going to the Ave of the Giants durning the day (as to not be yelled at again) lol. Anyway, we met so many very nice people there and had a great time in the forest. Now we are in Eureka and thinking about heading up North about seven miles tomorrow. I will post some pic after I go out to Truck and grab the camera (we are in the library right now). We will probably be playing at Old Town Coffee and Chocolates tonight so wish us luck. I think that is all for now, miss you guys and we will try and stay in touch when we can. Now we have not so much internet but we do mostly have phone service-unless our phones die. lol. Much love.

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